Top 5 medium Rust open source project to contribute.

  • Updated : 25-06-2024 12:10
  • By : Phosphataz
  • Introduction

    Rust is powerful system programming language that focus on memory safety and performance. It's widely used in big and medium size tech companies and startups too. Contributing to open source projects based on Rust language is one of the best way to get good at the language and make impact.

    Here are top 5 medium Rust open source projects to contribute.

    1 - Tantivy

    Tantity is a popular and high performance full-text search engine library build with Rust that can be use in many field such as : e-commerce, web search engines, content management systems, information retrieval etc... It has a lot of features among others : full text-search capabilities, configurable tokeniser, multi-threaded indexing, compressed document store, json field.

    Tantivy is an opensource project created by Quickwit

    By contributing to this project :

    • - you will understand many rust language advanced features such as : lifetimes, macros, rust concurrency model.
    • - you will learn much about search algorithms.
    • - if you are new to opensource you will get good at : collaboration best practices, code reviews, the use of collaboration tools etc...
    • - you will make significant impact in the field of search algorithms and gain recognition in open source community.

    2 - Sysinfo

    Sysinfo is rust crate use to retrieve system's information such as : processes, memory usage, and hardware details.

    It support many platform : Android, FreeBSD, iOS, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Windows.

    It's created by Guillaume Gomez.

    By contributing to this project :

    • - you will understand many rust language advanced features such as : lifetimes, macros, rust concurrency model, error handling.
    • - you will learn much about system programming, cross platform programming and platforms API programming.
    • - You will learn about system monitoring
    • - if you are new to opensource you will get good at : collaboration best practices, code reviews, use of collaboration tools etc...
    • - you will make significant impact in the rust system programming field and gain recognition in open source community.

    3 - Tokio-rs

    Tokio is a fast, reliable and widely used rust runtime library for writing asynchronous software such as : web servers and services, distributed system, network programming, real time software etc...

    Tokio was created by Carl Lerche and now is a widely used open source project with many contributors.

    By contributing to this project :

    • - you will get good at asynchronous programming in general and particularly with the rust programming language.
    • - you will learn much in distributed systems and lower level network programming.
    • - Since it's widely used, you will make a wide network and meet engineers from various domains.
    • - if you are new to opensource you will get good at : collaboration best practices, code reviews, use of collaboration tools etc...
    • - you will make significant impact in the rust asynchronous ecosystem and gain recognition in open source community.

    4 - Deno

    Deno is a secure by default , JavaScript, typescript and web assembly runtime build with rust programming language on top of google v8 engine and tokio-rs runtime.

    Created Ryan Dahl the original creator of Node.js, deno aim to be more secure and unlock many limitations of Node.js.

    Deno is used to build many kind of software based on javascript, typescript and webassembly such as : Web Servers, Servless computing, Command line tools, Real time software etc..

    By contributing to this project :

    • - you will become pro efficient in JavaScript, typescript and web assembly and asynchronous programming with Rust language.
    • - you will learn much about the V8 JavaScript engine and Tokio-rs.
    • - security best practices.
    • - if you are new to opensource you will get good at : collaboration best practices, code reviews, use of collaboration tools etc...
    • - you will make significant impact in the JavaScript runtime ecosystem and gain recognition in open source community.

    5 - wgpu

    wgpu is a rust cross platform graphic api that is secure and run natively on Vulkan, Metal, D3D12, OpenGL and on top of WebGL2, WebGPU on wasm for browsers.

    wgpu is GPU abstraction layer project that is used in various field such as : Game development, Graphic software, web applications, Virtual reality software etc...

    By contributing to this project :

    • - you will learn how Rust works in graphic area of software engineering, specially rendering, GPU interact etc...
    • - you will learn much about cross platform lower level graphic programming.
    • - Rust concurrency model and security best practices.
    • - if you are new to opensource you will get good at : collaboration best practices, code reviews, use of collaboration tools etc...
    • - you will make significant impact in Rust graphic ecosystem gain recognition in open source community.