1. Introduction

What is C++ ?

C++ is :

  • - a lower level programming language : it can access to the hardware like memory, cpu etc..
  • - a well established general purpose programming language : we can create many king of software with it : operating systems, embedded systems, compilers, web backend services, utilities etc...
  • - fast : because it's compiled into binary file that run directly on the hardware.
  • - object oriented language : we can design C++ software using object oriented model.

History of C++

C++ was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup, 39 years ago, as an extension to the C language. The majors releases of C++ are : C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++23.

Since this course want to be full and update, we will focus on the last version, C++23 and make precision if necessary, when we are using other version's features.

C++ vs C what is the difference ?

Sir Bjarne created C++ as extension to C language. The extension was classes that was added to the C language and result in C++ language.

To day's C++ is :

  • - different to C language in many points not only classes, it's another language.
  • - Complete and modern language, with lot of new features.

So there is no such a language called C/C++. There is C programming language and C++ programming language.