2. Installing tools

To create C++ software we need 2 tools :

  • 1 - Code editor : to write C++ code. There many code editors out there : atom, sublim text, notepad, Vim, nano, Visual Studio code etc.... I will use visual studio code my self. You can download it on the Official website.
  • 2 - The C++ compiler : C++ is compiled programming language, we need a compiler to transform the source code file into binary file. There is many compilers that can compile C++ source code : GCC (Linux, Windows, Mac), Microsoft Visual C++, Clang etc...

I will use gcc in this course.

Other options are :

1 - online compiler : godbolt.

2 - IDE (integrated development environment) : Microsoft visual studio, codeblock etc..

To install gcc on Linux/Ubuntu open a terminal and write this command :

sudo apt update && sudo apt install build-essential

To install the latest version or a specific version of the compiler : check this article.